Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The simple answer to this is NOTHING. Anything you could possibly need, they will provide for you. I had three massive bags packed months before I went into labor. How much of it did I really use ? Well, basically none of it. The hospital is going to provide you with the basics, clothes, underwear, food, shelter, everything you need for the baby (this will lead into my topic of what to STEAL from the hospital later this week).
Here is what I suggest the essentials are, especially if you live far from home:
1. Cell Phone/Cell Phone charger, I was in no mood to watch TV or surf the web, but my blackberry was my lifeline. I'm pretty sure I was texting and pushing.
2. Laptop for AFTER delivery. You know you are going to want to get on Facebook and post up pictures. Sure this can be done from a smart phone but it's not as fun.
3. Baby Wipes - The hospitals normally just provide you with paper towels and tell you to wet them if you need to. This is fine for PEE PEE, but Poop is a WHOLE other story. That Shit (pun intended) is like tar and baby wipes are definitely helpful. My favorite which are chlorine free, and fragrance free are Earths Best Baby Wipes in a yellow package. 7th Generation makes "Free" ones too, but I don't think they are even half as good.
4. Slippers - But they will most likely have rubber bottomed socks if you forget
5. A robe - I made the mistake of not having one, and numerous people saw a variety of body parts throughout the 5 days I was hospitalized.
6. Nursing Bra's / Tank Tops (wait until closer to your delivery date to buy this as your body will change size and they can get expensive)
7. A Nursing Pillow (my personal favorite is My Breast Friend - See my nursing post)
8. Clothes to bring baby home in.
9. Stroller that car seat will attach to
10. Car Seat

I think that is pretty much it. The hospital provided EVERYTHING else that I needed.

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