Sunday, July 25, 2010

Swaddling Blankets

I've tried them all and at four months, I'm still using them. Although now, Lincoln is just about grown out of the largest size I can find. AHHHHH he can't sleep long periods without them. But as he is now rolling over, he rolled onto his belly and I have discovered that he sleeps longer and better on his belly than his back (he took a 3 hour nap today). I know I sound like a horrible mom, letting him sleep on his back with SIDS lurking around the corner, but according to all my reading, once they start turning over, well it seems like tummy sleeping is fair game. But back to the miracle of swaddling blankets. There is one, and a pricey one at that ($30) called the Miracle Blanket. Trust me, it's no miracle. In fact it's a down right pain in the ass. The video makes it look easy, and well you CAN get the hang of it after about 30 times. But, it's awkward, hard to use, and during a 2am night feeding/diaper change, you might want to just hang yourself from the long piece of fabric. The one I suggest sells for about $12 ($18 if you want organic). It comes in a variety of fabrics, including cotton for the summer and fleece for the winter. Its a small piece of fabric, you stick the kid in, velcro the left flap to the center of the blanket, Velcro the right flap to the outside of the blanket and even my little Houdini stays snug as a bug all night long.

1 comment:

  1. We also loved the swaddle me. When Abby and Dylan began rolling over, the swaddle was history though. We then switched to the Halo Sleepsack which does come with flaps to keep their arms in, if you get the swaddle version. It is not as tight as a traditional swaddle blanket bc its a hyrid of a sack and a swaddle. We initially used that one and then transitioned to using it without the arm covers (its 2 pieces) and now we just use the standard one w/o the arm covers and they love it.
